JerkishBehavior's Top 5: Classic Action Cartoons
In the 1st installment of the JerkishBehavior Top 5 list, the topic of discussion is what was your favorite Saturday morning or weekday cartoon that you couldn't miss or you would die as a kid growing up? So here are JerkishBehavior's Top 5 Classic Action Cartoons...

1. Transformers, the classic good vs evil cartoon, the Autobots vs the Decepticons all robots in disguise. Were you an Autobot and rooted for good or a Decepticon rooted for the forces of evil? Either way, greatest cartoon ever....hands down!!!

2. X-Men, one of the most original and popular cartoon of all-time. Everybody has their favorite mutant from Wolverine, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Storm, or Magneto. Who was your favorite? Wolverine, of course.

3. Batman, the dark knight who was a billionaire during the daytime and the crime fighter for Gotham city at knight. Batman had the greatest gadgets and toys of any superhero. Batman also featured the greatest villians of all time for The Joker, Penguin, Two-Face, and many more.

4. G.I. Joe, the cartoon about a military special forces group saving the world from a terrorist group aka Sergeant Slaughter vs Cobra Commander.

5. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, who didn’t watch the karate turtles of Raphael, Michelangelo, Donatello, and Leonardo fight it out against The Shredder and his thugs. Who was your favorite turtle? Raphael with his sai's as weapons most definitely.

Honorable Mention: He-Man and the Masters of The Universe, who didn't love when it came time for He-Man to kick Skeletor's butt and whip out his sword and say "I have the POWERRRRRR"!!! My bad.
All pics courtesy of Google.
Survey Results - GlowDay.com
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