Hello world, my name is Mr. Shut It Down. I am Mr. Shut It Down because whenever its time to get dress for an event I am trying to shutdown the whole event with my attire and I am always successful as being one of the best dressed individuals whenever I step out for a function. I gave a lecture on FLYNESS in college for AKA Playboy pageant and became known as a tastemaker of FLY. So I will be educating you on the fundamentals of being FLY. Why? There are some people who want to be FLY and don't know how, there some who think they're FLY but have no idea and there some who are FLY but just need someone to let them they have the FLY seal of approval and to continue do what you do. So lets begin because class is in session.....
What is FLYNESS?
Flyness is not a thought, it is a combination of confidence marked by compliments and expressions of ones self.
Flyness is exclusive, wanted by many but achieved by few. It is always imitated but never duplicated.
Flyness is a type of of crisp, clean, & classy swagger and style that has never been seen before.
How do you know when you are FLY?
• Fly is when you got the best clothes in the club, party, or social function.
• Fly is when all eyes are on you when walk into the place.
• Fly is when you receive several double takes at your attire.
• Fly is when you receive compliments on your attire.
• Fly is when someone asks where did you get those or how much that costs?
• Fly is when profanity is used to describe what you got on.
And finally, fly is when you are SOARIIIINNNN!!!!
Next Lesson: Flyness Etiquette (Do's & Don't's)
And I leave you with the Motto to live by until next time:
"It's all fun and games until someone gets FLY, so don't get your feelings hurt" -LRG & Mr. Shut It Down
Check out my regular monthly FLYNESS 101 articles at: hipsondeckmag.com
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